Pride and Prejudice Podcast

Last week I spoke to the team at Pride and Prejudice, an LGBTIQ-focused radio programme that airs on Radio Adelaide, about a local nightclub that has opted for a name change that many have called transphobic and a form of cultural appropriation. On air we spoke about the issue and the complexities surrounding it. The podcast is available here.


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Media Report about our Study on First Time Parents

A great story that appeared today in InDaily about our new study on first time parents. We have had a great response to the call for participants but we would love to hear from anyone else keen to participate. More details on the project website.


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New piece for The Drum

New piece for ABCs The Drum on the Golden Globe wins for Transparent and what our research on the parenting experiences of trans Australians has to say about the show.

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Forum at Feast Festival

The 2014 Adelaide Feast Festival guide is out, including details of a forum that i am involved in. Please do come along and join in a discussion about surrogacy in Australia – an important topic that needs input from many voices in a respectful and engaged way. I will be using my recent piece in The Conversation as a springboard from which to make a contribution to the forum.

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New piece in The Conversation

A piece I have been working on for a while for The Conversation has just come out. Slightly more controversial than the last piece written with Clemence Due and Martha Augoustinos, but hopefully it will generate some healthy and robust debate about the topic of commercial surrogacy, and provide some new ways of thinking about the topic.

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Our piece in The Conversation

We received a wonderful positive response to our recent piece in The Conversation. It is great to see some positive coverage of the issues facing refugees coming to Australia, and that those who engaged with the piece could appreciate our argument for moving beyond a sole focus on English language acquisition.


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Conference Presentation at Cambridge University, September 2014

Whilst in the UK I will also be attending a conference at Cambridge University on Sperm Science, Sterility and Masculinity. This will be a wonderful opportunity to workshop papers that will be presented at the conference. Full details are available at the ReproSoc website, please contact the conference organisers if you wish to attend. I will be presenting on aspects of this paper I co-wrote with Brett Scholz and this paper that appeared in a special issue of Health Sociology Review.

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Seminar at University of Worcester, UK, September 2014

Next week I am off to the UK to attend a number of work-related events, including giving this seminar at the University of Worcester. If you are around please do come along, and RSVP to Michelle as per the this flyer 🙂 In the seminar I will be presenting on aspects of this paper I co-wrote with Dr Gávi Ansara and Dr Gareth Treharne.

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AOFS Keynote

I am pleased to be keynoting at the Asia-Oceania Federation of Sexology conference in Brisbane in October. It looks to be a very exciting conference and I am pleased to see so many important (and often marginalised) topics included in the programme. Details of the conference are available here.

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Public Lecture

I am giving a public lecture on Thursday February 20th at the Centre for Muslim and non-Muslim Understanding on the topic of adoption. Full details are available here, the lecture is open to the general public.

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